Author: Jamie Logie

Jamie Logie is a certified personal trainer, nutritionist and health and wellness specialist with a degree in Kinesiology and Food and Nutrition. Jamie runs a website and podcast called Regained Wellness. Jamie has worked in gyms in Canada, England, Australia, and the U.S and is the author of an Amazon #1 book called Taking Back Your Health.

A chin up is one of the ultimate upper body strengthening exercises. It is a true test of functional strength that works a majority of the muscles in the back, while also engaging other muscles in the upper body including the chest, shoulders, and arms. A chin up involves lifting oneself upward using an overhead bar while the hand grip is facing towards the body. This differs from a pull up where the palms are facing outward. A chin up is also able to to recruit more bicep usage compared to the pull up due to the positioning of the…

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The pull-up is one of the kings of all exercises. It requires a tremendous amount of functional upper-body strength and coordination. It is also a great muscle builder as it recruits the vast majority of muscle in the upper body. But they are not the easiest exercise to do. If you want the benefits of pull-up–but struggle to do them–assisted pull-ups are a great alternative. An assisted pull-up is one where you are not required to lift your entire bodyweight. The assistance takes away from the full exertion and allows you to lift your body with assistance. This way, you…

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Squats are a compound exercise and one of the most effective for muscle growth. This guide will outline the benefits of squats, the muscles they work, different squat variations and provide step by step instructions on how to perform squats properly with the correct form and technique. How to do squats with proper form & technique It’s a simple motion when you think about it, you squat down and stand up. However, like other basic compound lifts, there are a lot of things you need to know. The first thing you want to do is start with a good 5-10…

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When it comes to sports, and physical activities, the ability to drive your hips forward in a powerful manner is critical for generating explosive power. This helps in things like jumping, broad jumps, and sprinting. Hip extension is also important in certain lifts such as hang cleans, snatches, and other Olympic lifts. Other lifts such as squats and deadlifts incorporate the hips, and the stronger they are, the more these lifts can be improved which will result in more strength and muscle. What is Hip Extension Hip extension is simply the movement of driving your hips forward. This is not…

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Similar to banded hip thrusts, banded abductions are a way to strengthen the outer muscles on the hips. These are muscles that don’t get a lot of direct training and are often very weak on most people. It’s important to keep these abductors strong as they help improve power with other lifts such as squats and deadlifts. Using bands makes for an easy way to train them either at the gym or at home. Equipment Needed Glute resistance band You will need a resistance band to perform these banded abductions that you can purchase at our fitness equipment store. You…

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The banded hip thrust is an easy, but effective, way to target your glutes. It also works other muscles including the hamstrings. Banded hip thrusts can be done in the gym but also at home making them a very effective and versatile exercise. Equipment Needed Glute Resistance BandHeavy Duty Resistance Bands You will need an exercise band to perform these hip thrusts. There are many resistance levels of exercise bands which can increase the intensity of the movement. If these are a new exercise for you, you can start with a lighter resistance band before moving up to the thicker,…

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The biceps are one of the most coveted muscle groups. Strong biceps are the instant indicator that you workout and have developed your physique. Any strength training/bodybuilding program worth its salt will have some devotion to bicep training. The question is, what are the top bicep exercises that lead to gains in strength and hypertrophy? Bicep curls are the classic go-to exercise, but are they best? This article will look at hammer curls vs bicep curls to see which exercise will give you the most bang for your buck. What Are The Differences? The difference in grips for hammer curls…

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A folding exercise bike makes the perfect piece of home cardio equipment, for a few different reasons. The first is that they do not take up a lot of space. If you are limited to places to workout in your home, or apartment, a foldable exercise bike is one of the best space-saving pieces of exercise equipment you can buy. Combine this with a home multi-gym and a spin bike to create the perfect home gym setup. The other great reason to own a folding exercise bike is it is one of the best forms of low impact cardio you…

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The ability to workout at home is a great luxury, and now it may be a necessity. Even at the best of times, going to a commercial gym can be aggravating; you have to fight the traffic to get there, find parking, find a locker, and then navigate through all the other members. This can mean having to wait for equipment and fighting the crowds. It also exposes you to more germs and potential illnesses because of the close proximity with the other members. Trying to stay healthy can be a challenge when just one person is able to spread…

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