Author: Matthew Smith

Matt Smith is a highly qualified and experienced online coach and fitness writer. He worked as a personal trainer in London for several years before moving up north to Nottingham. He has a degree in Sports Science from London Metropolitan, REPS level 3, and a Precision Nutrition qualification. This combination of qualifications and experience means that Matt is uniquely placed to help his clients achieve their fitness goals.

There are many ways to split your training. Some people prefer the upper/lower body split; others prefer push/pull. Many bodybuilding fans enjoy a more Old School approach, pairing differing muscle groups together. Back and chest, quads and hamstrings, shoulders and arms, etc. This article will feature a back and chest workout with dumbbells. Workout Structure and Routine Now that we have learned the 13 back and chest dumbbell exercises, it’s a good idea to create a couple of workouts that you can follow. You can alternate between the two sessions, performing one in week one and the second in week…

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Training legs is something that many gym goers try to avoid, arms and chest workouts are easier, and the results are much more noticeable. But building bigger, stronger, legs has many benefits. It can help you to create a more aesthetic body, it can help burn a lot of calories (great if weight loss is your goal), and it can reduce your risk of injuries. This article will focus on teaching you compound leg exercises. These are leg exercises that offer the most bang for your buck. We will talk you through what compound movements are, and why they are…

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The pull up is one of the most impressive exercises that you can perform, a demonstration of your strength and mobility. Pull ups have huge benefits and work a large number of muscles. They are efficient, effective, and highly versatile. What Muscles Do Pull Ups Work? Pull Ups work the following back muscles: Lats (Latissimus dorsi) – Primary Teres Major Traps (Trapezius) Pecs (pectoralis major) Rhomboids Biceps Upper back Forearms Abdominals Including the pull-up move in your exercise routine allows you to work multiple muscle groups. Many are under the impression that it is used mainly to develop the biceps,…

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The chin up is one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises, it also offers a huge range of benefits. Some gym members will find chin ups easy, but the vast majority of gym members find chin up incredibly difficult to master. Working your way up to performing your first few chin ups will leave you with one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment that you can experience in a gym. In this article, we will be discussing which muscles are worked during a chin up, and the differences between chin ups and traditional pull ups. What Muscles Do Chin Ups…

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When it comes to pull ups, most people know about wide grip pull ups, close grip pull ups, and the classic chin up. But the neutral grip pull up is becoming more and more popular over time. The reason? Not only does switching your grip up help you to avoid repetitive strain injuries, but neutral grip pull ups are one of the best forearm builders in town! In this article, we will teach you what a neutral grip pull up is, what benefits it offers, what muscles it works, and how to perform it perfectly. We will also help you…

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The barbell deadlift is one of the most popular and effective exercises that you can perform. It works almost every major muscle in the body, burns fat, builds muscle, and can improve your overall fitness. But, to lift big, you sometimes need a little help. If your grip is struggling, then you may not be able to deadlift as much as you need to. Luckily, there are a few solutions to this problem. The first one is to build your grip strength, using exercises such as shrugs, farmer’s walks, and rack pulls. Another option is chalk, but not all gyms…

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Training your lats is very important, whether your goal is to become a Pro bodybuilder or to just burn a few extra calories each week. The most common lat exercises often involve resistance machines such as the lat pulldown or barbells. This article will take you through a number of bodyweight lat exercises that you can add to your routine. What are the Lats? Lats is a shortened term for the latissimus dorsi muscles. These are situated across the middle and lower parts of your back. The lats are often described as climbing muscles, allowing you to reach up and…

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Training your back and bicep muscles is not only important for developing upper body strength, it is also enjoyable. Many of the back and bicep exercises are very popular in the gym. Bicep curls, rows, pulldowns, and cable exercises make up many a gym routine. In this article, we will be developing a back and bicep workout for you to follow. Warm-Up It is not necessary for you to perform a warm-up before a resistance workout. A few practice sets before your major compound lifts should be more than enough. A practice set would look like this: Let’s say that…

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Training the chest and shoulders together is a smart move because many of the exercises that work the chest will also target the shoulders. Combining the two into one workout will save you time and allow both muscles equal time to recover. This chest and shoulder workout will include exercise descriptions and inform you of the muscles worked for each exercise. Chest and Shoulder Workout Routine Here is a chest and shoulder workout routine that you can follow the next time you are in the gym. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets, and perform each rep at a slow tempo:…

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In this article, we will be taking a look at six lower chest exercises that can be performed with cables. Adding these exercises to your gym routine will help to create some variety, and you may find an exercise that you really love. We will also take a look at what the lower chest is and how it differs from the upper and middle portions of the chest. Anatomy of the Chest Technically, the lower chest muscle does not exist. You have a set of pectoral muscles, the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. The pectoralis minor rests behind the pectoralis…

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