Muscle ups are a type of pull-up exercise at an advanced level and is often used in gymnastics and competitive CrossFit training. Muscle-up involves pushing and pulling of the upper body. The perfect muscle-up, whether performed on a ring or a bar, involves three basic movements: The pull The dip The transition These three steps are dependent on strength. You need to be strong enough to maintain control through the full range of movements and through challenging positions. Learning more about the benefits of the muscle-up, how it is done, its progression, and about the muscles worked, will help you…
Author: Adnan Munye
Weighted pull-ups are a type of pull-up variation which requires weight added either using a belt or weight plates in addition to your body weight. If you’ve been able to progress with your pull-ups, you may want to make the exercise more challenging and include some alternatives. This will create a new stimulus for your muscles and studies show that progression of this sort is what drives results and gains in strength and muscle. As mentioned, the pull-up is one of the best exercises you can perform, and your ability to do them shows true upper body strength. Among other things, regularly performing…
Pull-ups are one of the most outstanding exercises that increases strength and muscle mass. And, for years, numerous studies have been done to identify how the muscles react during pull up exercises. In fact, several reviews that discuss the most suitable technique for pull-up have been published. Some of these techniques include the correct pull-up grip width, which is best for muscle activation. Does pull-up grip width matters? Whether you are doing your pull-up using a pull up bar from home or at a gym knowing how pull-up grip widths influence your strength and muscle mass does matter. Moreover,…
Pull ups are an effective and efficient exercise that can be done pretty much anywhere – the gym, at home or even in the playground. Another benefit includes independence, as they can be done without a personal trainer. Start your routine with stretching exercises or even light cardio exercises to prevent injuries. It goes without saying that form and technique are essential to a safe and trenchant workout. Improper form can lead to sprains, fractures, and strains whether you’re using an overhand grip, underhand, neutral, or mixed pull-up. Which muscle groups you’re working depends on your grip. Pull ups mainly…
What is a negative pull-up? Negative Pull-ups are a very effective progression exercise that focuses on the lowering part of a traditional pull-up. Think of negative pull-ups as a stepping stone to standard pull-ups, but instead of pulling yourself up, you are focusing on the downward section of a standard pull-up. The way you carry out a negative pull-up is by beginning in the flex hang, and then you move onto a dead hand position. This might seem like an easier version of a standard pull-up, and it is, but you still gain benefits from performing this exercise. Negative pull-ups benefits…
Resistance bands are made of strong thin rubber and they allow you to perform resistance training without weights. They come in various strengths to provide more intensity and are usually in bright colours to differentiate the strength of each. They are easier on the joints whilst engaging the muscles. You can get a full-body workout with them and as there are various intensities of bands, you can constantly challenge your body. They are inexpensive and can be used anywhere, saving you money on the costs of gym memberships or more expensive equipment. They are easy to store, take up very little room, and are great to travel with. To…
Consuming calories is important for proper body function. Eating fewer calories than you burn can create a calorie deficit. When a calorie deficit is created, it means that the body gets energy from stored fat. To achieve healthy weight loss, you must create a calorie deficit. Weight loss plans which skip counting calories force you to eat from a dedicated menu. The food choices on the menu are reduced-calorie foods thus the calories have already been counted on your behalf. Before you begin such a program, it is important you understand how calorie deficit works. What is a Calorie Deficit…
Ask any bodybuilder, personal trainer or coach and they will agree pull-ups and chin-ups are on the top of the list for strength training. Hands down, lat pull-downs, pull-ups, and chin-ups are the best exercises for developing strong muscles, powerful biceps, and back strength. Certainly, they will test your level of fitness! Research shows the pull-up and chin-up are equally effective, what most people do not recognise is the two are not the same exercise. However, they do have many similarities. It is important to note, the results are different. It is these differences that determine which of the two…
A diet filled with meats, nuts and milk is a common sight when you start a gym routine. Simply put, this macronutrient is essential for building muscle mass. A balanced diet is necessary when you’re aiming to improve fitness and well-being so understanding the best foods to eat always helps. Protein, fats and carbohydrates are the three macronutrients we need in order to survive however, the body requires a lot of these to complete its daily tasks. The need for these is even greater when you are in any form of training. Foods High In Protein Here is a List…