Browsing: Workouts

The bicep and shoulders workout is a great way to get started on your fitness journey. Building up your arms means you’ll be able to do…

Hamstrings and glutes are some of the most important muscles to work on if you want to get a body that looks great. Your gluteus maximus…

The shoulder muscles are divided into three groups: the rotator cuff, the scapula, and the trapezius muscle. Many people are unaware of the importance of their…

Shoulder and trap workouts are essential for bodybuilding. The side muscles that make up the pectoralis major and minor, clavicular head, sternocleidomastoid muscles, trapezius, and infraspinatus…

The shoulder is part of your upper body and contributes greatly to lifting performance. It has a large role in throwing the ball, digging, and grappling…

Training the chest and shoulders together is a smart move because many of the exercises that work the chest will also target the shoulders. Combining the…

Adding weights to a daily exercise routine works the muscles that much harder than non-weight-bearing exercises alone. This can lead to faster muscle development, but more…

When it comes to upper back exercises at home, it’s very important to understand what muscles you’re working. This will allow you to get the results…