The sumo deadlift is a unique deadlift variation that targets your hips, glutes, and quads. It’s a great lift for those who are looking to build a strong foundation for their posterior chain and strengthen their hips and glutes.
The sumo deadlift is a great option if you’re looking to build mass or strength in the hips and glutes. Because of the wider stance, you’ll be able to recruit a greater proportion of your glutes and hips compared to the standard deadlift.
What are the Benefits of the Sumo Deadlift
There are many benefits of the sumo deadlift, but here are the 10 best reasons to make it a staple in your workout routine.
1. You can lift more weight.
When done correctly, you can lift more weight using a sumo deadlift than you can with a conventional deadlift. This is because the sumo stance places your body in a more advantageous position to generate force. This will help recruit more muscle fibers, allowing you to lift heavier weights.
2. It is easier on your lower back.
The sumo deadlift allows you to keep your back in a more neutral position, which takes stress off of your lower back. This is important since the lower back is one of the most commonly injured areas in the body. By placing less stress on your lower back, you can avoid injury and stay healthy.
3. You’ll build a stronger core.
Since the sumo deadlift requires you to maintain a more upright position, it forces your core muscles to work overtime to stabilize your body. This will help build a more robust core, which is essential for all types of athletes.
4. It activates more muscle groups.
The sumo deadlift not only works for the major muscle groups in your legs and hips but also activates your stabilizer muscles throughout your entire body. This full-body activation makes the sumo deadlift an extremely effective exercise for building strength and power.
5. It improves your athletic performance.
The sumo deadlift helps improve your overall athletic performance by developing explosive power in your legs and hips. This will translate into better sprinting, jumping, and agility movements on the field or court.
6. You’ll improve your balance and coordination.
The sumo deadlift requires you to maintain a balanced stance while lifting heavy weights. This will challenge your proprioceptive system and help improve your overall balance and coordination.
7. You can use it as a rehab exercise.
If you’re recovering from an injury, the sumo deadlift can be an excellent rehab exercise since it places less stress on the injured area while still allowing you to work for other muscle groups effectively.
8. It is great for beginners.
If you’re new to lifting weights, the sumo deadlift is a great exercise to start with since it’s relatively easy to learn and perform correctly. As you become more experienced, you can progress onto more challenging variations such as the conventional deadlift. However, make sure that before progressing, you have perfected your form with the sumo deadlift first.
9. It corrects muscular imbalances
By targeting muscles that are commonly weaker such as your inner thighs and adductors, the sumo deadlift helps to build strength and symmetry in your lower body preventing injuries down the road caused by muscular imbalances. It’s a great exercise for overall muscle development.
10. You can Deadlift Anywhere
All you need for The Sumo Deadlift is a barbell and some weight. You can perform this exercise in the gym or even at home making it a convenient exercise to add to your workout routine.
If you’re ready to increase your strength as well as pack on muscle size and lose fat, I recommend giving sumo deadlifts a try. Just like any other exercise, consistency is the key to success when it comes to building your overall body strength. Stick with it and you’ll be stronger and more powerful while also having a leaner, more muscular body. Plus, using the sumo deadlift technique will help you build more size in your glutes and hamstrings since those are the muscles that do a lot of the work when using this variation.
The sumo deadlift is a good exercise to add to your workout routine because it targets multiple muscle groups, not just your legs. If you aren’t already doing deadlifts in your workouts, try a few sumo deadlifts each week and see how they bring up your strength and power.