The lower chest is a great place to develop your pec muscles. The lower pecs are the part of the chest directly below the nipple line. The lower pecs are often underdeveloped compared to the upper pecs, so by working the lower pecs, you can balance out your chest.
Lower chest exercises are one of the most effective strategies to boost your chest. In this article, you will learn about lower chest exercise types, their benefits, and how to perform them properly and give you better results in a short period.
Lower Chest Exercises
We will go through the 5 best lower chest exercises you should add to your routine:
Decline Barbell Bench Press
The decline bench press is an outstanding exercise for building up your chest and shoulders. It’s often used as a support movement for other exercises, such as the bench press, shoulder press or seated row. It can also be used as a core exercise in its own right, particularly if you have a high degree of upper body strength already.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Sit on a decline bench with your back flat against the pad.
- Grasp the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
- Slowly lower the barbell to your chest, pause and then press the barbell back up to the starting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Decline Barbell Bench Press has been a staple in the majority of strength-training programs for decades. With good reason, as it is an extremely effective exercise for developing the pectoral muscles, particularly the lower portion (pec minor).
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
The declined dumbbell bench press targets the upper chest more than its flat bench press counterpart does. It can also be used as a way to train the upper chest without compromising shoulder health, by controlling the range of motion and keeping it relatively short.
To do this exercise:
- Place your feet firmly under the leg brace and lie back on a decline bench while holding a dumbbell in each hand. With your back stabilized on the bench, lift the dumbbells and hold them close together directly over your upper chest with your arms extended. Your palms should be facing away from your body.
- Now, inhale as you gradually lower the dumbbells by bending your elbows and bringing your arms back until the weights reach chest level. – Your forearms and upper arms should make an angle close to 45 degrees at the bottom of the movement.
- Exhale as you press the weights back up to the starting position while squeezing your lower pecs. When you finish your reps, carefully place the bar back on the rack. If necessary, ask someone to spot you during this exercise.
A decline bench press is considered to be able to increase your strength on the shoulders. It is also recommended for those who have problems with the joints and for athletes who want to develop a muscle mass in their upper chest area.
Dumbbell Pullover
The Dumbbell Pullover exercise targets the upper back and latissimus dorsi muscles. The dumbbell pullover exercise is often referred to as an anti-extension movement because it helps correct the anterior shoulder flexion caused by the bicep’s flexion associated with most rowing exercises (e.g., sitting on a row machine for cable rows).
To do a proper Dumbbell pullover:
- Position a dumbbell perpendicular to a flat bench, with the end of the dumbbell closest to your head.
- Lie on your back on the bench and grip the dumbbell with both hands, extending your arms over your chest.
- Keeping your shoulders down and your core engaged, lower the dumbbell behind your head until your arms are parallel to the floor.
- Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 reps.
The Dumbbell Pullover is a great exercise for those who seek to build their chest muscles. It helps create separation between the pectorals and creates thickness and deltoid detail. However, it is still important to combine the Dumbbell Pullover with other exercises such as the Dumbbell Bench Press.
Chest Press machine
Chest press machines are a great investment for any home gym. This type of machine is used to build maximum muscle strength and muscle size. A chest press machine allows you to exercise your chest, shoulders, arms, and back muscles safely in the comfort of your own home or office.
Let’s take a look at the steps needed to perform the chest press machine exercise properly:
- Start by positioning yourself on the machine with your back flat against the padded support. Your feet should be flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart.
- Grasp the handles of the machine with your palms facing away from you. This is your starting position.
- Keeping your back against the support, slowly push the handles away from your body until your arms are extended straight. pause for a moment at the top of the movement and then return to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
The chest press is an important exercise for men and women looking to add muscle definition and improve upper body strength. It works the pectorals, anterior deltoids, triceps, and forearms.
Because chest presses challenge your core and arms muscles, too, it is great for sculpting overall upper body strength. But above all else, it targets the chest muscles and gives them an intense workout.
Dips are great exercises to add to your workout routine. They can help you build muscle and tone your body. Most people don’t realize that dips help prevent injury by strengthening your knees and back. They are also good for working on balance so you can avoid injuries when performing other exercises.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind you on a chair or other sturdy object.
- Now, slowly lower your body down until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
- Bend your knees and lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
- Push back up to the starting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Dips are an important exercise because they work the triceps hard. They also have the advantage that they can be done at home and since you are working under your weight (which is considerable) you can adjust the difficulty more easily than with weights.
These lower chest exercises are some of the best. They are designed to give you a defined and toned lower chest, making it easier for you to show off in your swim trunks. You can add them to your workout regime to help boost your lower chest development and get a more fit and defined body.
These lower chest exercises are not just for beach bodies either; they can be used by anyone looking for a boost in overall health and fitness.