When it comes to achieving your fitness and weight loss goals, exercising regularly is the key. If you’re already out of shape or overweight, then improving your physical health should be your primary focus.
A lot of people see exercise as something that only men can do. However, with the right guidance and motivation, women can also benefit from developing a healthier lifestyle by working out regularly.
Lat exercises will help improve your posture and reduce back pain. There are many tailored exercises developed to improve your lat muscle length, width and increase its size.
Lat Exercises For Women
Here is a look at the top 5 best lat exercises for women who want to upgrade their back fitness routine.
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
The dumbbell bent over row is another variation of the standard bent over row. This exercise can be performed with either dumbbells or barbells. It involves performing a neutral upper back/protraction movement with a posterior pelvic tilt but still works for most people.
The key aspect of this move is that it targets the lower back muscles by forcing them to generate force straight up through your pelvis and down through your heels into the ground.
Let us take a look at the steps needed to perform the Dumbbell Bent Over Row exercise properly:
- Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Bend at your hips and lower your torso until it’s nearly parallel to the floor. Keep your lower back in its natural arch throughout the movement.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and let them hang at arm’s length from your shoulders.
- Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells to your sides, keeping your upper arms close to your body. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you do this.
- Pause for a moment, then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Performing dumbbell bent over rows is one of the best exercises for the muscles in your upper back. It works your lats and traps, which are two sets of important muscle groups that contribute to a strong, aesthetically appealing upper body.
This exercise also targets your rhomboids and mid-traps, so it’s a great overall back shaping move. The best thing about bent over rows is that they can be modified to work every aspect of your upper back.
Try this version first, as it hits your lats and traps fairly equally; you will feel a wonderful stretch in your lats while performing this exercise.
Lat Pulldown
A lat pulldown is an exercise to improve back muscle strength. A weight or resistance band is attached to the anchor point above your head so that you hang from it like a pull-up.
Pulling down on this upper harness pulls your shoulder blades together and activates the latissimus dorsi muscle, commonly referred to as your “back” muscles.
You can perform this exercise in the seated position or standing position since there are numerous options for training your muscles.
Here is how you do proper lat pulldown exercises:
- Sit down in front of a lat pulldown machine, and adjust the knee pads so that they are properly positioned for your height.
- Grasp the lat pulldown bar with an overhand grip, and position your hands about shoulder-width apart.
- As you exhale, slowly pull the bar down to your chest, making sure to keep your back and shoulders straight throughout the movement.
- Once the bar reaches your chest, hold for a count of one, and then slowly return the bar to the starting position.
It’s important to perform the lat pulldown exercise to strengthen the lat muscles. This is an essential exercise for developing the back, which can be crucial for many sports and activities, such as swimming and rowing.
Chin Ups
Chin-ups are a great exercise to improve the strength of your upper body and core. They also provide benefits to your forearm and back muscles which can lead to better health. For example, by strengthening these muscle groups you may see improvement in your posture and you will be able to lift more weight.
You can perform chin-ups at almost any age, but if you are over 55, there is a risk that you could put yourself at risk for too much pressure on your neck and spine.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Grasp the chin-up bar with your palms facing you and your hands about shoulder-width apart.
- Hang at arm’s length from the bar.
- Bend your knees and cross your ankles behind you.
- Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.
- Lower yourself back to the starting position. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the movement to avoid putting too much strain on your back.
Chin-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the back and arms, plus they build muscle in the abdominal area, including the abdominals and obliques (side abs).
These muscles work together to shorten your torso during a curl. Chin-ups can be done either with a vertical (supinated) grip or a slightly angled (pronated) grip.
You should choose which version of this move you would like based on what other abdominal and ab exercises you are doing in your routine. Throwing some chin-ups into the mix will be a great addition to any workout plan!
Seated Cable Row
Seated cable rows are a great exercise for your back and chest. They target the muscles of your upper back, rear delts, and even your biceps. This exercise is especially good for those who have shoulder issues because it allows them to hold the weight on their shoulders rather than on their hands or forearms.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Sit at a cable pulley station with a weight stack on either side of you.
- Select the weight you want to use and attach it to one of the pulleys.
- Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.
- Lean forward slightly and grasp the handle with both hands.
- Keeping your back straight, pull the handle toward your chest.
- Contract your back muscles and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you row the weight.
- Slowly return the handle to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 reps.
The seated barbell row is a great exercise that targets mainly the muscles of the upper back. It also targets other muscles, like the lower back and lats. If you perform this exercise properly, it’s guaranteed to build muscle mass in your back and make it much broader.
I always suggest doing multiple sets and repetitions at a moderate tempo to stress out the muscle fibers more, rather than lying down on the bench for too many reps.
Be sure to use a weight that you can control for all of your repetitions, so your upper back stays under complete tension at all times.
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
Single-arm dumbbell rows are a great exercise for building the lower back and strengthening your core. They also work your entire upper body, arms, and obliques. Low rep sets will help you work on strength endurance while high reps will help improve muscle definition.
Let us take a look at the steps needed to perform single arm dumbbell rows exercise properly:
- Start by holding a dumbbell in your left hand and placing your right hand on a bench or chair for support.
- Bend your knees and hips so that your left hand is extended down toward the floor and your back is at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
- Keeping your core engaged, row the dumbbell up to your chest, leading with your elbow.
- Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 reps before switching sides.
Single-arm dumbbell rows are a beast in terms of their ability to build the thickness of the lower back, lats, and rear delts. The key is to focus on initiating the contraction with your lats as you pull with your arm.
This is best done by reaching over the weight with your hand and pulling it in. And don’t worry about having to go very heavy here, it is of utmost importance that you keep your form tight and strict.
At the end of the day, if you can do a set of 10-12 reps on one arm, then it’s time to increase the weight.
These exercises are vital to maintaining sound health, whether you’re a woman or not. Strong core muscles help strengthen the body’s foundation and support everything above it.
A strong core helps protect against lower back pain, enhances posture and spine health, and can even slow the natural process of aging in the body. With regular practice, women can enhance their workout without creating undue stress on their joints.