Dumbbell oblique exercises are a great way to get some major definition and tighten up your midsection. There are a couple of specific variations of these exercises, depending on what you’re looking for and how you want to work out.
Although oblique exercises are not as popular as many other types of deadlifts and squats, they are effective in improving your posture, muscular endurance, and strength. With the right technique, you’ll find that dumbbell oblique exercises can be challenging and rewarding workouts.
Here are 5 dumbbell oblique exercises you should include in your workout routine:
Dumbbell Russian Twists
If you want to try a challenging exercise, the dumbbell Russian twist will be a perfect choice. Not only does this exercise help tone and strengthen your deltoids, but it also works out your obliques. If you want to see results faster than you would with standard back exercises, then you’ll want to take advantage of these Dumbbell Russian twists.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Begin seated on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground in front of you.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms out in front of you so that they are parallel to the ground.
- Twist your torso to the right, then to the left, and continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.
Dumbbell Russian twists are an excellent exercise for your shoulders, especially if you’re using heavy dumbbells. The main thing I recommend doing with this exercise is to make sure you don’t let your arms swing too far forward. Also, keep your back straight so that the movement works only on your obliques and not your lower back.
Dumbbell Side Bends
Dumbbell side bends are one of the best exercises you can do to strengthen your abs and obliques. This exercise targets the rectus abdominis and helps to improve posture. Dumbbell Side Bends is an essential exercise for developing balance and strength in your entire core. With dumbbells, you can choose how much weight you want and how far you want to bend over.
Here is how you do dumbbell side bends:
- Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Brace your core and bend at the waist to the side, lowering the dumbbells toward the ground.
- Reverse the motion and return to the starting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Dumbbell side bends are one of the best abdominal strengthening exercises. They can be done at home without any special equipment and provide an excellent core workout. If you have solid abdominals and your core is balanced, you will have a much easier time doing daily activities such as lifting objects or bending over to pick up things.
Dumbbell Farmer’s Walks
The dumbbell farmer’s walk is a great exercise for the obliques because it works your upper and lower abs at the same time. You don’t need expensive equipment for this exercise, just a pair of dumbbells. You can use either one or two pairs of dumbbells, depending on how many sets you want to do.
To do this exercise:
- Start by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Pick up a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides.
- Walk forward slowly, keeping your shoulders back and your abs tight.
- Walk for 30 to 60 seconds and then turn around and walk back to the starting position.
- Repeat for 2 to 3 sets.
The intensity of this workout is high, and you might find yourself gasping for air as you go, primarily if you use two heavy weights together. This exercise is appropriate for all fitness levels, and it hits your entire body. Make sure to use good form throughout the movement, and be careful not to drop the dumbbells onto your feet on accident!
Side Plank with Dumbbell Raises
This is a good warmup exercise that can help improve your core strength and stability. The side plank is an excellent core exercise that strengthens your internal and external oblique muscles. In addition, it helps develop balance, flexibility and reduces the risk of injury.
Here is how you do a side plank with dumbbell raises:
- Lie on your side on a mat, with your elbow under your shoulder and your legs extended.
- Place a dumbbell on the floor next to your hand.
- Use your free hand to help you raise your hips off the floor, so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulder to your feet.
- Slowly raise the dumbbell off the floor, keeping your arm straight.
- Lower the dumbbell back to the floor and repeat.
- Switch sides and repeat the exercise.
Side Plank with Dumbbell Raises is a great exercise to do before you start your workout and to release any tension from the muscles. The side plank with dumbbell raises is a full body exercise, meaning it works both the upper and lower body.
Offset Dumbbell Squat
The offset dumbbell squat is a great exercise for training your midsection. It works your obliques (the muscles between your back and front) as well as the glutes, lower back, and hamstrings. You’ll get a full-body workout while strengthening your core and improving balance and coordination.
To do this exercise:
- Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a dumbbell in your left hand.
- Bend your knees and lower your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and your core engaged.
- As you lower into the squat, shift your weight onto your left heel and raise your right heel off the floor.
- Pause at the bottom of the squat and then press through your left heel to stand back up.
- Repeat for 8-10 reps and then switch sides and hold the dumbbell in your right hand.
The offset dumbbell squat is a great addition to any lower-body workout routine. If you’ve never performed the exercise before, it can be quite difficult to get the hang of it at first, but with regular training, you should see a gradual improvement in your performance.
Like many exercises, you’ll need to experiment a little to find what works best for you and your overall strength-building goals. You should also be aware that your muscles are not treated equally on every exercise. You might find that some exercises work out one side better than the other, and that’s perfectly normal. Overall, this is a very helpful article for those new to obliques exercise.