Bench exercises are simple exercises you can do to get fitter and stronger, especially with your abs. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle, these are the best exercises for getting a ripped six-pack. These exercises are a great way to increase your core strength, especially if you don’t have access to a gym and have to train at home or work. You can do them easily with one bench and a few weights.
Here is how you do this exercise:
1. Decline bench reverse curls
Decline bench reverse curls are one of the most effective abdominal exercises you can do. The decline bench puts your lower abs in a short range of motion, which recruits more muscle. If you want to get the deeper abdominal muscle then for best results, you should incorporate this exercise into your abs workout routine at least twice a week.
Here is how you do decline bench reverse curls:
- Start by lying on your back on a decline bench with your feet in the air and your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees.
- Place your hands on the bench behind your head with your elbows pointing out to the sides.
- Curl your hips and legs up towards your chest, using your abs to lift your hips and legs.
- Reverse the motion and lower your hips and legs back to the starting position.
Decline bench reverse curls target the lower and deep abdominal muscle. If you want to get six-pack abs, then you should not forget to include this exercise in your workout routine.
2. Flat bench leg raises
Flat bench leg raises are one of the many effective exercises you can use to train your core. They are a great way to strengthen and tone your lower abs, obliques (side abdominals), and lower back. The other benefits include increasing your stability, balance, and endurance.
To do this exercise:
- Place your feet flat on the ground and position your hands on the edge of the bench behind you.
- Keeping your abdominal muscles pulled in and your back flat, slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
- Pause for a second, and then lower your legs back to the starting position.
Core training is an essential part of a total body workout. The benefits are countless and include improving posture, promoting good balance, increasing flexibility, reducing your injury risk, and more. Flat bench leg raises are one of the exercises you can use to develop a stronger core.
3. Bench crunch
The bench crunch is one of the most popular abdominal exercises among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. It is a great exercise because it works multiple abdominal muscles, including four of the six rectus abdominis muscles, making your core stronger and helping you maintain a healthy back.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Lie on your back and place your legs on a flat bench in front of you so your shins are perpendicular to your torso.
- Place your hands behind your head and crunch your upper body off the floor.
- Exhale as you curl your torso up and towards your knees.
- Hold for a count of one at the top of the movement and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.
The bench crunch is a great compound exercise that you can add to your routine, and you can feel confident knowing that it will challenge your abdominal muscles. The exercise may be difficult at first, but as you practice it, your core muscles will become stronger and you will see better results.
4. Elbows elevated plank
The elbows elevated plank is a great core exercise for improving upper body strength and stability. This ab strengthening exercise can be performed using many different types of equipment including a bench, workout steps, or even on a raised surface such as a box.
Here is how you do this exercise:
- Start by placing your elbows on a bench or other raised surface with your palms facing down.
- Keep your back straight, engage your core muscles, and raise your body up so that you are supported by your elbows and toes.
- Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
- To make this exercise more challenging, you can raise one leg off the ground or place a weight on your back.
The elbows elevated plank is a good exercise, but you may find that it’s not the most comfortable when performed on a bench. This could be due to the firm surface and lack of padding that many benches have. To remedy this, use some pads or pillows under your arms.
5. Reverse crunch on flat bench
The reverse crunch on a flat bench is an effective exercise that targets your abs from a different angle than the standard crunch. It increases the difficulty more than you might think, which means it is a great addition to gym workouts and can be used to help create muscle definition.
To do this exercise:
- Start by lying flat on your back on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the ground.
- Place your hands behind your head, and then curl your torso up so that your knees are brought in towards your chest.
- Reverse the motion, and then curl your torso back down to the starting position.
The reverse crunch on a flat bench is a variation of the standard crunch. It allows you to target your abs from another angle than the standard crunch so you can work them more effectively. This exercise should be done as part of your normal workout routine. Be careful not to let yourself fatigue, though, or use bad form.
The bench exercise is great for targeting your abs. It’s simple, comfortable, and doesn’t cost you any money to do. You can achieve your bodybuilding or weight loss goals with these basic exercises. No matter if you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle mass, these are the best exercises for getting a ripped six-pack.