Calorie Burned Calculator is used to estimate the number of calories burned after exercises.
*Remember to fill the hours input field.
Result for Total calorie burned
Light Intensity 0
- Sleeping 0
- Watching television 0
- Writing, desk work, typing 0
- Walking, 1.7 mph(2.7km/h) 0
- Walking, 2.5 mph 0
Moderate Intensity 0
- Bicycling, 50 watts 0
- Walking 3.0 mph 0
- Calisthenics, home exercise 0
- Walking 3.4 mph 0
- Bicycling 0
- Bicycling, 100watts 0
Vigorous Intensity 0
- Jogging, general0
- Heavy calisthenics 0
- Running jogging 0
- Rope jumping 0